Shift Happens: A book about keyboards

Created by Marcin Wichary

The history of keyboards – from early typewriters to modern mechanical marvels – told in two beautiful volumes.

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What an incredible first day!
over 1 year ago – Tue, Feb 07, 2023 at 03:50:13 PM

Shift Happens happens

In the most optimistic scenario, I was hoping the campaign would hit its goal of 150K some time during the livestream. The campaign reached the stated goal… ten minutes before we even started chatting. 

This is wild. And amazing. This means the book will see the light of day this fall! This is incredible – a huge validation of the subject matter, the strange approach… and a bunch of other things.

Thank you. This means so much.

Wait, there’s more. We all already surpassed the stretch goal without even announcing it

This was extraordinary. I wanted to announce a stretch goal of a third volume that would be b&w and about 100 pages, containing some “making of” materials – and perhaps a printed index and a few other things – to celebrate the process of making the book, too.

The internal goal to meet that stretch goal was $250K. As I’m I writing these words, the campaign is already at $280K. 

Which means that everyone who backed any of the book tiers will now be getting the third volume for free! 

(Will there be more stretch goals? I don’t know yet. This has taken off much quicker than I expected!)

Watch the livestream here

Robin and I had a lot of great fun chatting earlier today on the livestream, and nerding out on a bunch of things. You can check the recording here:

The livestream starts about 15 minutes before the hour with a pre-roll, and if you look at the chat, there is this beautiful moment where we’re all celebrating the book meeting its Kickstarter goal. Since we’re still off camera, we all do it… by typing.

Which, if you think about it, couldn’t have been more perfect.

More updates to come! Thank you to all of you who showed up, spread the word, and backed the book. Now, to catch up with a million emails and messages… and to rest for a bit and celebrate.